Thursday, June 17, 2010

I have gone to church for as long as I can remember, and never wanted to miss a service.
I attended every single youth function I could feasibly go to.
And I never knew God.
I remember very vividly getting up in front of my fourth grade Sunday school class and feeling so proud of myself after I recited the books of the Bible.
I attended a Christian Elementary, Middle, and High School, and have attended a year of a Christian College.
I never knew God.
I received an award for Christian character in front of everyone at my High School graduation.
I grew up with a group of people that have been described as "top notch," "the Golden Grade," "outstanding."
I never knew God.
I was and am surrounded by adults who love me and who always look out for me.
Growing up, I was described as sweet, someone with a good, strong faith. I was considered a leader.
But, I never knew God.

"God cannot make you who He wants you to be until He breaks you in pieces."
Devo's wont cut it. I attended hundreds.
Church services wont cut it. I have barely missed any.
Your friends wont cut it. As said, I grew up with some of the best.
Your family wont cut it, the adults around you wont cut it, your church family, your boyfriends/girlfriends, your school...they wont cut it.
Concerning you, God's not interested in how much your Sunday School teacher knows or knew. Even I can't sit here and tell you how to have a personal relationship with the One and Only One who matters.
Don't get me wrong here. Church, Devo's, strong, faithful friends and family and people around you are all important, but they will not and can not carry you to the cross.

"You're blessed when you're at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule." Matthew 5:3-The Message

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