Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Holy Spirit

I have been really curious about the Holy Spirit lately. I finished Crazy Love (GO BUY IT NOW!!), and was fully intending on delving into the writings of C.S. Lewis, when a friend (sweet Hallie) and my own curiosity, as well as a plug at the end of the book, led me to Chan's second book: Forgotten God.

So, I bought it, started it, and am a little annoyed because last night I had a good thought I wanted to write about but thought I was too tired to make sense. So I didn't write it, and now I don't remember what it was! Anyways, I'll try to put together bits and pieces of what I was thinking.

It seems like nothing would be better than the literal, physical presence of Jesus. Seriously, there have been so many times I have wanted this. Even a friend and I discussed this Monday night. I can't touch Jesus. I can't laugh with, cry with, or talk with Jesus. I can laugh to (?) Jesus, cry to Him, and talk to Him, but He is not sitting in front of me where I can see Him. So this is where the Holy Spirit comes in right? I feel like the Spirit has been barely, if ever, mentioned as I grew up. I guess it comes from a lack of understanding, but yet we consider it a part of the Trinity. The Trinity implies that there are 3 parts to God, yet all God. So does that mean that we are assuming the Spirit is less than God? After all, we do ignore it. What would we say if we ignored Jesus, and didn't utilize the avenues and power we have to Him and through Him? That's an insult to what He has done and is doing. So why is it ok to do that with the Holy Spirit?

Jesus told us in John 16 that it is for the best that He go away. He was saying that if He didn't, we would not receive our Advocate, Counselor, Holy Spirit. Basically, He was saying that having the Spirit with us, in us, was better than having Him physically with us. Not only that, but John 14 says that Jesus will send us ANOTHER Advocate. Meaning that the One He sends is like Him!
That Advocate that Jesus sent, which is like Him, is living in us. (1 Corinthians 6:19,20).

So don't you think that we should act differently from the people who don't have Him?
So...why don't we?

1 comment:

  1. girl... AMEN!!!
    the Holy Spirit wants a body, and we are supposed to be that body.
    the body of CHRIST. this is not a side job. it's a lifestyle.
    thank you.
