Sunday, April 25, 2010


Yesterday was a strange day indeed. Something changes in me when the rain comes.
After raining all day, there was about an hour break between 6 and 7 PM. A friend and I were outside on the porch of Elam waiting for a ride. I always notice the clouds, but this time they were different. It was so cool to see the blue sky blotted here and there with streaks of white cloud. The wind was blowing pretty hard, and as I continued to watch, I saw some dark clouds coming from the right. They were threatening to ruin the beautiful sight. But because the wind was blowing, the dark clouds blew in front of the white ones: disappearing almost as quickly as they had come. The white stayed put while the black passed on.

Such an obvious promise of God's faithfulness, something I think I needed at that moment. The white stays put, and the black passes on.

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