Friday, January 1, 2010


Last night was great. I couldn't think of a better way to have spent it. Surrounded by old friends, new friends, and lots of food. I'm a lucky girl.

I can honestly say 2009 was a year FULL of growth, trials, devastation, and reconciliation. More so than any other year ever. Possibly combined. As I look back, hopefully for the last time this upcoming year, I am literally brought to tears thinking of how much God has done for me, and how selfish I have been. Really selfish. I hope to never be that way again. A New Year's Resolution? I don't know about that. As someone once told me, I have the attention span of a goldfish.

Today, so far, has consisted of trying to work out getting a passport. I'm dying to go on a mission trip of some kind soon. Hopefully by the time I am able to go I will have raised enough money to give to the people/kids there. I was going to go on a trip to Honduras with my church, but due to support issues I don't think we are going on that one anymore. Then, I was going to go through Freed, but the deadline and money for that trip is coming up really soon, and I have yet to finalize my passport... Hopefully something will happen soon.

Keep praying for my project. (Maybe I should come up with a name). I really hope that it will work out, and that I will be able to handle it all while feeling like people are getting what they want. So far, I have 4 pretty major projects in the works. It can get difficult, not necessarily because of the work, although that is a big factor sometimes, but because I am such a perfectionist. More times than not I am only able to draw for a short period of time, then I have to step away and come back with fresh eyes. Should probably work on that. However, I remind myself daily that it's not about me, it's about what we can do together for the kids who can do nothing for themselves.

Have a great day!

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